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USF, FL DOH, Hillsborough, HIV Clinical Research Unit

*Unit operated by the University of South Florida in conjunction with the Hillsborough DOH Specialty Care Center conducting clinical research on HIV/AIDS to develop treatment and diagnostics *Adult patients may apply for various trials to gain early access to new drugs and measurement/laboratory tests, more intensive disease management, access to qualified and experienced specialists and education on advancements in HIV care

Services: AIDS/HIV Clinics, Clinical Trials

1105 E Kennedy Blvd

Specialty Care Center

Tampa, FL 33602

(813) 307-8067

USVA, Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, Infectious Disease Unit

*Veteran Affairs Clinic serving Health Care in the areas of: Primary Care, Specialty Clinics Mental Health Care, and Social Programs and Services (Caregiver Support, Homeless Veteran Care, LGBTQ - Veteran Care, Minority Veteran Care, Return To Work Care (from deployments)).

Services: AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, AIDS/HIV Clinics, Case/Care Management, Confidential HIV Testing, Prescription Expense Assistance, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

10000 Bay Pines Blvd

Bay Pines, FL 33744

(727) 398-6661 x16615

USVA, Miami VA Healthcare System, HIV/AIDS Svcs

*Ask for Immunology Dept when calling *Must be enrolled in VA healthcare *HIV testing (every VA medical office), inpatient and outpatient treatment of HIV disease and opportunistic infections, HIV case management, prevention counseling, PReP services *Community based clinics in Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Deerfield Beach, Homestead and Key Largo (2 satellite clinics in Key West and Broward)

Services: AIDS/HIV Clinics, AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Confidential HIV Testing, HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

1201 NW 16th St

Miami, FL 33125

(305) 575-7000 x13525

USVA, N FL/S GA Veterans Health System

*Operating under normal hours, but encourage telehealth visits whenever possible, face-to-face visits scheduled only after telephone or virtual care coordination, everyone entering the facilities is screened, and visitors are limited, face coverings are mandatory and will be provided if the patient does not bring their own *Medical and mental health and social services for veterans *Florida area covers from Marianna to Gainesville to Jacksonville *South Georgia to Valdosta in same coverage

2181 E Orange Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 878-0191

USVA, Tallahassee Clinic, Healthcare for Homeless Veterans

*Identifies and assists homeless veterans (only honorable discharged veterans) and their families with ongoing supportive follow-up, information and referral services, help with accessing VA health care, emergency food *Veteran must apply (not a family member); veteran must be registered with the VA *Provides shelters, transitional housing, and supportive permanent housing throughout Big Bend area, surrounding counties, and South Georgia

Services: Homeless Shelter, Specialized Information and Referral, Transitional Housing/Shelter, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Homes

2181 E Orange Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(352) 339-5593

Wakulla County Public Housing and Section 8 Housing

*Section 8 Housing Office in Bronson handles rentals for Wakulla County *Wakulla office open the 2nd and 4th Thursday monthly from 1PM-4PM (appointment only) at 322 Shadeville Road, Crawfordville, FL 32327

Services: Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing

611 Pines St

Bronson, FL 32621

(352) 486-5420

Wakulla Urgent Care

*Walk-in treatment for injuries and illnesses *Pregnancy testing *Routine check ups and general medical care for children and adults *School or job physicals *Weight loss center

41 Feli Way

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-3140

Wakulla Urgent Care

*Walk-in treatment for injuries and illnesses *Pregnancy testing *Routine check ups and general medical care for children and adults *School or job physicals *Weight loss center

Services: General Medical Care, Pregnancy Testing, Urgent Care Centers, Weight Management

41 Feli Way

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-3140

Weems Medical Center East

*24/7 Emergency Care *Medical center affiliated with Weems Memorial Hospital offering primary care, family medicine and rotating specialty care services and rehab services, provided by a Physician Assistant and two Nurse Practitioners, general supervision by an MD *Specialty care services available by appointment only *All services except urgent care require that a person become a patient by seeing a PA or nurse practitioner before getting tests

Services: Community Clinics, General Medical Care, Urgent Care Centers

110 NE 5th St

Carrabelle, FL 32322

(850) 697-2345

Weems Medical Center West

*Medical center affiliated with Weems Memorial Hospital offering primary care, family medicine and rotating specialty care services provided by a Physician Assistant and two Nurse Practitioners, general supervision by an MD *Specialty care services available by appointment only *All services except urgent care require that a person become a patient by seeing a PA or nurse practitioner before getting tests, etc

Services: Community Clinics, General Medical Care, Urgent Care Centers

137 12th Street

Apalachicola, FL 32320

(850) 653-1525

Viewing 711-720 of 728 results (listed by best match)
