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Viewing 61-69 of 69 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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TMH, Physician Partners, Blountstown

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pediatrics, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

17808 NE Charley Johns St

Blountstown, FL 32424

(850) 674-4524

TMH, Physician Partners, Monticello

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pediatrics, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

1549 S Jefferson St

Monticello, FL 32344

(850) 997-0707

TMH, Physician Partners, Perry

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

555 N Byron Butler Pkwy

Perry, FL 32347

(850) 838-8636

TMH, Physician Partners, Quincy

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Chronic disease management *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, Diabetes Management Clinics, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

178 LaSalle Leffall Dr

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 875-3600

TMH, Physician Partners, Wakulla

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

15 Council Moore Rd

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-7105

True Health, Hoffner Center

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, family planning, gynecology *HIV and STD testing; PrEP therapy *Sliding scale fee available for persons who can't get Medicaid or other insurance *Eligibility assistance in applying for Medicaid and other Access Florida programs

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

5449 S Semoran Blvd, Ste 14

Orlando, FL 32822

(407) 322-8645

True Health, Sanford Center

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, family planning *HIV and STD testing; PrEP therapy *Sliding scale fee available for persons who can't get Medicaid or other insurance *Eligibility assistance in applying for Medicaid and other Access Florida programs

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

4930 E Lake Mary Blvd

Sanford, FL 32771

(407) 322-8645

UM, Dept of OB/GYN

*Obstetrics (prenatal care) and gynecological services, family planning *There are 12 locations, call for information on nearest one

Services: Birth Control, Gynecology Services, Prenatal Care

1150 NW 14th St

Miami, FL 33136

(305) 243-4530

WomanKind, Inc

*Clinic for women and men offering confidential HIV testing (either rapid or blood test), STD testing, birth control, emergency contraception, GYN exams, pregnancy testing *Teen clinic provides birth control, healthcare, and education to teenagers

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education, Gynecology Services, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Rapid HIV Tests, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

1511 Truman Ave

Key West, FL 33040

(305) 294-4004

Viewing 61-69 of 69 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
