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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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*Provides latest federally approved information on HIV/AIDS clinical research, treatment and prevention, and medical practice guidelines for people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends, health care providers, and researchers *Information on HIV treatment and research *Information for locating clinical trials and results for HIV and related illnesses *Volunteers may participate to help determine whether experimental treatments or new ways of using known therapies are safe and effective *Information available via live calls, web site, email and letters

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical Information Services, Specialized Information and Referral

5601 Fishers Ln

Rockville, MD 20849

(800) 448-0440

AIDS Institute, The

*The institute offers education, information, reference materials *Promotes social change through public policy analysis, research, advocacy, and education; research efforts focus on prevention, treatment, and care services *Agency conducts and coordinates a range of studies involving AIDS and related healthcare issues such as Hepatitis and other infectious diseases

17 Davis Blvd, Suite 403

Tampa, FL 33606

(813) 258-5929

AIDS Institute, The

*The institute offers education, information, reference materials *Promotes social change through public policy analysis, research, advocacy, and education; research efforts focus on prevention, treatment, and care services *Agency conducts and coordinates a range of studies involving AIDS and related healthcare issues such as Hepatitis and other infectious diseases

Services: Medical and Health Sciences Research, Medical Information Services, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

17 Davis Blvd, Suite 403

Tampa, FL 33606

(813) 258-5929

Alachua County Crisis Center

*24/7 telephone crisis counseling *24/7 emergency mobile unit for crisis intervention *Outpatient face to face counseling by PhD students in a mental health field of study *Suicide survivors support group held twice a month *All services are free

218 SE 24th St

Gainesville, FL 32641

(352) 264-6789

American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)

*Provides information on trials concerning HIV and AIDS cases *Publishes bi-yearly amfAR newsletter and monthly e-news that contains updates of amfAR's programs, activities and major HIV/AIDS-related news *Supports and solicits innovative AIDS research, targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment education programs, and provides advocacy for sound AIDS-related public policy *Washington DC office: 1100 Vermont Ave, NW, 20005

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical and Health Sciences Research, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

120 Wall St, 13th Fl

New York, NY 10005

(212) 806-1600

American Foundation For AIDS Research (amfAR)

*Provides information on trials concerning HIV and AIDS cases *Publishes bi-yearly amfAR newsletter and monthly e-news that contains updates of amfAR's programs, activities and major HIV/AIDS-related news *Supports and solicits innovative AIDS research, targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment education programs, and provides advocacy for sound AIDS-related public policy

120 Wall St, 13th Fl

New York, NY 10005

(212) 806-1600

American Liver Foundation

*Information about liver wellness and disease *Physcian locator and informal referrals to local healthcare providers and available resources *Help finding local resources such as support groups *Help finding financial resources programs for copays and medications

39 Broadway, Ste 2700

New York, NY 10006

(212) 668-1000

American Liver Foundation

*Information about liver wellness and disease *Physcian locator and informal referrals to local healthcare providers and available resources *Help finding local resources such as support groups *Help finding financial resources programs for copays and medication

Services: Medical Information Services

39 Broadway, Ste 2700

National Office

New York, NY 10006

(800) 465-4837

American Red Cross, Capital Area Chapter

*Helps to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies and natural or man made disasters *Classes: preparedness and response to disasters, health and safety education including CPR, First Aid, AED's, swimming lessons and babysitter's training, plus emergency support to active duty military, national guard, reservists and families

1115 Easterwood Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(800) 733-2767

American Red Cross, Emergency/Disaster Services

*Disaster education to help prevent, prepare for, and respond to a disaster *Services in the event of a natural or man made disaster: shelter, food and clothing, distribution of supplies, emergency assistance to affected families, help obtaining prescription refills, mental health support, damage assessment, communication and liaison with groups providing services, planning, organizing and directing operations *Offers worldwide tracing services for family members whose lines of communication have been broken as a result of armed conflict, natural disaster or vulnerabilities like age or ill health

Services: Disaster Management Organizations, Disaster Relief Services, Missing Persons Location Assistance, Volunteer Opportunities

1115 Easterwood Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(800) 733-2767

Viewing 41-50 of 728 results (listed by best match)
