Family Planning/Maternal Services

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Central Florida Health Care, Winter Haven

*Pregnancy testing, prenatal care but not delivery; women register at hospital of choice for delivery *OB financial packages determine cost of care on a sliding scale fee, accept Medicaid *Family planning, gynecology services *Primary care, pediatrics, immunizations *Confidential HIV and STD testing *Immunizations for children (free for 18 and under)

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Immunizations, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

1514 1st St N

Winter Haven, FL 33881

(866) 234-8534

CHI, Doris Ison Health Center

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, gynecology, family planning, WIC, and free immunizations through the Vaccines for Children Program *HIV testing, clinical treatment, case management, ADAP and other AIDS/HIV related services *Help with insurance enrollment

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Gynecology Services, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, WIC

10300 SW 216th St

Miami, FL 33190

(305) 252-4820

CHI, Marathon Health Center

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, family planning, WIC *Confidential HIV testing and treatment, STD testing

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, WIC

2805 Overseas Hwy

Marathon, FL 33050

(305) 252-4820

CHI, Martin L King, Jr Clinica Campesina

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, gynecology, family planning, WIC, and free immunizations through the Vaccines for Children Program *Help with insurance enrollment

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care

810 W Mowry Dr

Homestead, FL 33030

(305) 252-4820

CHI, Naranja Health Center, S Florida

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, gynecology, family planning, WIC, and free immunizations through the Vaccines for Children Program *HIV testing, clinical treatment, case management, ADAP and other AIDS/HIV related services *Help with insurance enrollment

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

13805 SW 264th St

Naranja, FL 33032

(305) 252-4820

CHI, West Kendall Health Center

*Pregnancy testing, PEPW, prenatal care, family planning, and free immunizations *HIV testing, case management, other AIDS/HIV related services *Help with insurance enrollment

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

13540 SW 135th Ave

Miami, FL 33186

(305) 252-4820

Citrus Health Network

*Pregancy testing, prenatal care, family planning *Free HIV testing, linkage to medical care and other social services resources *Four locations in Hialeah, not all offer same services, call main number for all locations and services

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Gynecology Services, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care

4175 West 20th Ave

Hialeah, FL 33012

(305) 825-0300

DCF, Family Planning Waiver

*Applications available through DCF Access Florida website *Medicaid Family Planning Waiver (aka Family Planning Medicaid for Today's Woman); special Medicaid waiver extending for up to two years *Medicaid coverage for women ages 14-55 who have lost full Medicaid coverage within last two years, must be a United States citizen or permanent resident of five years or more, income must be 185% of Federal Poverty Level or less *Limited to annual physical exams, pap smears, pregnancy tests, and all forms of birth control including outpatient tubal ligations *Covers STD and colposcopy services if performed within six weeks of the physical exam *Women with a recent pregnancy automatically enrolled in the program for first year of coverage, must re-apply for second year *Women with Medicaid Share of Cost (Medically Needy) may have Medicaid FP Waiver at the same time *Women are ineligible for FPW if have had a tubal ligation or hysterectomy, are pregnant, are enrolled in another insurance with one exception (Medically Needy Medicaid) *FPW services available at local Department of Health (DOH) offices

Services: Birth Control, Medicaid

2415 N Monroe St, Ste 400

DCF Headquarters

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 300-4323

Empower U Community Health Center

*Primary medical care for adults and children, LGBTQ persons, and HIV+ persons *Women's healthcare and prenatal care for pregnant women; family planning; immunizations, case management, dental care; mental health and/or substance abuse counseling available *Free confidential HIV/AIDS rapid testing on-site and by a mobile unit when available; screening for STD and HEP-C; PrEP; condom distribution; Ryan White services, HOPWA, case management, peer support in which HIV+ persons assist others in navigating the system *Empowerment Project focuses on youth and young gay/bisexual males (ages 18-29) and includes social events, risk reduction education and counseling

Services: AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling, Case/Care Management, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication, Housing Search Assistance, LGBTQ2+ Support Groups, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Peer Counseling, Prenatal Care, Rapid HIV Tests, Substance Use Disorder Counseling

7900 NW 27th Ave, Ste E12

Miami, FL 33147

(786) 318-2337

Evara Health, St Petersburg

*Free pregnancy testing, PEPW for pregnant women planning to get prenatal care there, family planning *Pregnant women who do not qualify for Medicaid will be offered a sliding scale fee *Confidential HIV testing *Dental care

Services: Birth Control, Community Clinics, Confidential HIV Testing, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Prenatal Care

1344 22nd St S

St Petersburg, FL 33712

(727) 824-8181

Viewing 11-20 of 81 results (listed by best match)
