River Region Human Services


3901 Carmichael Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32207

(904) 899-6300



*Walk-in, confidential, rapid HIV testing for anyone over 13, risk assessment and risk reduction education, PrEP, STD Testing, health care referrals, substance abuse referrals, substance use and or mental health treatment
*Mobile Outreach Unit: free confidential rapid HIV test results in 15 minutes; call numbers listed for dates, times, and locations; information can also be found on the website under the Events Calendar tab
*Many services are free of charge including testing; for fee services are offered on an income-based scale for those who are uninsured or whose insurance is not covered

Intake Process:

Call or visit website for information

Program Fees:

Many services are free of charge including testing; for fee services are offered on an income-based scale for those who are uninsured or whose insurance is not covered


English, Spanish, interpreter service


Anyone over the age of 13 in need of HIV or STD testing

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

September 29, 2023

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

3901 Carmichael Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32207


3901 Carmichael Ave
Jacksonville, FL 32207


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(904) 899-6300

Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit

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