Catholic Charities, Diocese of St Augustine


11625 Old St Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258

(904) 262-3200




*For persons with HIV, provides eligibility determination for Ryan White titles, ADAP and HOPWA through the Eligibility Determination Services office located at the Catholic Charities, DOSA Regional Office in Gainesville

Intake Process:

Eligibility information is taken over the phone, prior to appointment

Program Fees:



English, some Spanish


HIV+ persons needing help obtaining services for ADAP, HOPWA and other services

Is Shelter?


Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

April 30, 2024

Address Listings


11625 Old St Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258

Physical (Primary)

11625 Old St Augustine Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32258

Phone Numbers

1. Administration

(904) 262-3200

2. Eligibility Determination

(352) 378-2868

Legal Status:

Religious Affiliation

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