

6360 NE 4th Court
Miami, FL 33138

(305) 571-9601


*AKA Miami's LGBTQ Community Center
*Confidential HIV and STD testing, peer counseling
*Support groups: persons living with HIV/AIDS, heterosexual, Gay/Bi men, Spanish-speakers, women and HIV, newly-diagnosed, sero-discordant couples (one HIV+, the other HIV-)
*Positive connections lecture series, social activities, and holistic therapy
*Youth and young adult programs, 14-24: cybercenter, relaxation lounge, study hall, snacks, meals for evening program participants, referrals for at-risk and homeless, wrap-around services

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Date of Official Change:

June 13, 2022

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

6360 NE 4th Court
Miami, FL 33138


6360 NE 4th Court
Miami, FL 33138


Phone Numbers

Main Number

(305) 571-9601

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