Service Tree

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HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication

Taxonomy Code: LH-6700.6400-285

Programs that provide antiretroviral drugs for individuals who have had a high risk episode to stop HIV from replicating and spreading throughout the body. PEP must be started as soon as possible to be effective, and always within three days of a possible exposure. Health care workers are evaluated for PEP if they are exposed to blood or body fluids of a patient who is infected with HIV. PEP can also be used to treat people who may have been exposed to HIV during a single event unrelated to work (e.g., unprotected sex, needle-sharing injection drug use or sexual assault). Treatment may be available at doctor's offices, emergency rooms, urgent care clinics or a local HIV clinic. Health care workers exposed to HIV on the job are generally covered by their workplace health insurance or Workers Compensation. In sexual assault situations, people may qualify for partial or total reimbursement by the Office for Victims of Crime, funded by the US Department of Justice. People in other situations who have no insurance can apply for free antiretroviral medicines through the medication assistance programs run by the manufacturers.

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